My Vaccine Experience

     Two days ago, I got my second shot of the Pfizer Covid vaccine. So, how did a healthy 27 year old who works from home get the vaccine so early? Well, back in August, I signed up for the Phase 3 clinical trial, knowing there was a risk of potential harm, but also feeling optimistic about the published results from the Phase 1/2 trials. I got my first trial shot in September, with the second in early October.

    Shortly after the vaccine was granted an EUA, I got a call offering to unblind my participation to determine if I was given the placebo vaccine or the real one. Of course I accepted, but I was 99% sure I got placebo after having no side effects from the first two shots (not even a sore arm). Sure enough, a few days later, they called me to let me know I received the placebo and schedule a time to come back and get the real vaccine.

    My first shot left me with a sore arm, but little other side effects. Maybe some fatigue, but it's hard to say if it was that, or my attempt to cut down on my caffeine consumption. But entirely uneventful.

    My second shot was a bit rockier. It was delayed a week or so by the Texas Blizzard of 2021 (Snowvid?). After the shot, I had the same sore arm as the first time, but with some added chills and fatigue. The side effects weren't fun, but I was still able to work. They also went away just as quick as they appeared. 48 hours later, I'm back to my usual Thursday night jog.

    So, what's gonna change for me? In about a week, I'll have a whole lot less to worry about with covid. As I puzzle what I want to do, I've realized that nearly everyone I know still needs to worry about getting sick. It doesn't quite change as much as I thought it would. I am excited to go back to the gym (wearing a mask, of course) and go out to eat instead of ordering Uber Eats on the weekends.

    I feel incredibly lucky to get the opportunity to start the road back to how things were before. I'm not sure what it will feel like to visit friends without anxiety, or to hit the gym again (I'm gonna be so sore). But I know I'm glad to get started.
